Interior | Hospitality | Gokul Agro Resort
Project location: Bhor, Maharashtra, India
Situated in Bhor near Bhatghar dam, 50 KM away from Pune and it is easily connected by roads from nearby cities. The main idea was to attract people towards nature & village life.
To get away from the stressful life of a metro city, this resort was designed to give a serene and peaceful place to relax and unwind from hectic of urban life and enjoy the beautiful experience of village life with surrounding hills & view of backwater of Bhatghar Dam from Machan.
To renew a commercial cum residential building façade at Paravati. Architects uplifted the dull and boring façade with the use of metallic CNC cut panels and improved the relationship between the built and unbuilt by the introduction of vertical green panels.

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